Rail Live 2024
18-19 June 2025
Porterbrook’s Long Marston Rail Innovation Centre

Express access added to record-breaking Rail Live


A new fast-track entrance and an express park-and-ride service are part of a revamped transport plan for a Rail Live that is expected to be bigger than ever.
To be held at Porterbrook’s Long Marston Rail Innovation Centre on June 19/20, the UK’s premier outdoor rail show continues to receive record bookings. By mid-April, registrations to attend were up by more than 1,000 compared with the same stage in 2023.

This year, dedicated coaches will run direct from Stratford-upon-Avon town centre, as well as from Warwick Parkway and Honeybourne stations for those travelling by rail. 

And a new express entrance to Rail Live - created specifically for the coach services - will allow passengers to be dropped at the heart of the show, adjacent to the Network Rail Village.

Access for those needing to come to Rail Live by car has also been improved, with provision of an additional 750 parking spaces and the recruitment of a professional car parking team that manages events such as the FA Cup and Commonwealth Games.

Innovations for Rail Live 2024 include the introduction of a dedicated engineering theatre for the first time, and filming of an instalment in Network Rail’s Freight Escape series. 
The Railway Industry Association will also be filming (in its case the next episode of RIA Rail TV) and running a showcase on unlocking innovation in its dedicated RIA Lounge.

Both Rail Minister Huw Merriman and his Shadow opposite number Stephen Morgan are to attend - with Merriman delivering a keynote speech. Further key speakers include GBR Transition Team interim lead director Rufus Boyd, NR Chief Executive Andrew Haines, incoming HM Chief Inspector of Railways Richard Hines, and Rail Safety and Standards Board Chief Operations Officer Johnny Schute.

Themes this year will include reform, reimagining the role of railways in local transport, accelerating modal shift to rail, safety, and recruitment.
Alongside the ‘yellow plant’ that makes up the heart of the show, rolling stock on site is set to include a new Stadler-built Class 93 from Rail Operations Group and a Network Rail Class 153 monitoring train.

“Final preparations are now under way for what could be the most exciting Rail Live yet,” said the show’s organiser Katie Gordon-Hill. 
“We’ve more announcements to come and interest this year is at record levels. But there’s still time to register - so don’t miss out, and sign up today.”


Rail Live is returning for 2025! Stay up-to-date with any new announcements:.