Rail Live 2024
18-19 June 2025
Porterbrook’s Long Marston Rail Innovation Centre

Policy & Leadership Theatre Agenda

What will the future bring for the railway? There’s no better place to find out and be part of the discussion than Rail Live’s Policy & Leadership theatre. Those who understand the railways’ challenges will be here to offer unrivalled insight.

Day one topics:

1. Recruitment and Retention

2. Creating a sustainable railway 

3. Safety on the railway

4. Financing the future


Click here to download the full Rail Live agenda >>

Day two topics:

1. Playing politics with the railway

2. Accelerating the freight shift to rail

3. A railway in crisis?


10:00 –
  • Recruitment & retention: attracting new people to the railway

11:00 –
  • Creating a sustainable railway

13:15 –
  • Safety on the railway

14:15 –
  • Financing the future

10:00 –
  • Playing politics with the railway

11:00 –
  • Accelerating the freight shift to rail

13:00 –
  • A railway in crisis...? Discuss


Rail Live and the General Election

We’re sure you know that the UK is about to hold a General Election – and this will bring unavoidable changes to certain aspects of the speaker line-up, given that Rail Live takes place during the period of election ‘purdah’.

However, where changes are unavoidable, we’re doing our utmost to make sure we have suitable replacements, and we’ll update our speaker line-up before the show.

With a broad and comprehensive range of discussions, plus an unrivalled display of plant and innovative equipment, we’re confident that Rail Live is, and will remain, an unmissable event.