Rail Live 2024
18-19 June 2025
Porterbrook’s Long Marston Rail Innovation Centre

The Business Lounge

New for 2024 – The Business Lounge

This year’s Rail Live includes a dedicated Business Lounge for the first time - allowing you to hold meetings in a dedicated venue at the heart of the event. Alternatively, grab a desk and use our free WiFi if there’s work you just have to do while taking a break from the show’s talks, exhibits and networking. Don't let being at Rail Live stop the wheels turning!

The Business Zone is being sponsored by exhibitor Dura Composites, which in May won the King’s Award for Enterprise.

Dura Composites will display:

  • Its lightweight modular Dura Platform, which features low embodied carbon and is fully recyclable at the end of its use, in the Network Rail Village in Zone K.
  • Examples of its composite canopy daggerboards, which use CNC technology to produce replicas of historic designs. These have been deployed as modern alternatives to traditional daggerboards in sensitive surroundings such as at Bath Spa. The company’s d2 product range is claimed to result in a reduction in embodied carbon of up to 33% versus previous products.

Rail Live is returning for 2025! Stay up-to-date with any new announcements: